No matter your circumstance, never forget you can make one extraordinary choice. You can choose to seek the kingdom of God. No one can deny you entrance based on your family’s background, your past decisions, your current status, your education..all you need to do is make a personal choice.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness…”
As I make choices in my own life, I need to be reminded that this verse does not just say to seek the kingdom of God, it actually states before you do anything, before you make any other choice…”Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness”.
Do you see the difference? It isn’t about just praying after you make a choice to seek God, but before you make a choice…go to Him for guidance and direction. Less worry will come your way. And as the second part of the verse states:
“…and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Seeking God first is the best choice you will ever make. And with that continually commitment to Him, you will find making other choices in life become a lot easier.
Go ahead…make a choice to seek first the kingdom of God and see what happens!!