Money or Time?

Money or time? Both things are essential in life and it seems there is never enough of either one in our day. Do you value one more than the other? God allows us to make choices. He provides us with all that we need, but we often overextend ourselves with those things we want, yet […]

Your True Self

I often feel that I hide the “true me” from others. Not those immediately close to me (my husband), but most people aren’t aware of the true thoughts or opinions I hold. At times, I feel I am living two lives; one of social conformity and the other of spiritual authenticity. I worry too much […]

Letting Go…

Letting go is not easy. I often hear this being said and my response is “Wow, I totally understand! It’s hard to let go of things, such as time with friends, grudges, mistakes, people growing up and moving on in their life, etc.” Today, I entered a part of my life with a different form […]

Your Life’s Tapestry

Our journey through life is one we don’t often pay attention to enough. We are so busy planning for the next moment, we don’t stop to take in where we are right now and where we came from. Today, I am blessed to see the interconnectedness of my life…with health, choices, faith, and time. Moments […]

Whatever It Takes…

“WHATEVER IT TAKES”….I mean I can make it happen; I can meet my goals, I can overcome any challenge…or so I believed until now. I realize that ‘whatever it takes’ is really coming to understand God’s grace and sovereign power. God is in control! He does ‘whatever it takes’ for us; we need to listen […]