Choose Wisely
Live by Faith
Your Plans, God’s Plans
It’s the end of one year in just a few hours. As many of us are scurrying around gathering ideas and writing goals/resolutions for the New Year, take time to reflect on what is your plan and what God’s plan may be for you. Having purpose is important and we should aspire to reach goals. […]
Moving Forward
As we head into a new year (and a new decade), move forward! Learn from your past, but don’t let it stop you from becoming the person God intends you to be. Take your experiences and do good! God is with you…waiting for you to trust Him! He will guide your steps if you follow […]
Much Given, Much Required
Let’s Take a Walk
Pursue Peace and Holiness
You may never forget what has happened in your past, but find peace with it. If you do not, the emotions and experience will continue to consume a portion of your body and mind that will never be able to heal. Pursue peace, even in the most difficult times. As Jesus commanded, “you shall love […]
Mercy, not Leniency
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, mercy is defined as compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power. God wants us to show mercy to others, without favoritism. However, in my opinion, this does not mean we have no expectation of what should or should not be done. God […]
Just Enough!
Just enough! That is all we truly need. We may want more, but God always knows best. Instead of chasing after things, often telling ourselves and others false reasons for why we need or want more things, we need to listen to God. His plan for us is all we need! Praise God for those […]