Faith in Teaching

This is a faith-focused space for anyone who works in the field of education and desires Christ-centered support. There will be sharing of Biblical scripture readings, inspirational writings, and daily prayers to uplift one another as we seek to teach in today’s world.

You are encouraged to check out and follow all parts of Romans12Living, but please know this space is dedicated to you! Share Faith in Teaching with others, follow our FB page, subscribe to our podcast, “Walking Barefoot with the Bible” (where God’s Word is shared not only for teachers, but all who desire to walk with Him), and continue to remind yourself of God’s purpose for you as a teacher. God called you and you answered His call to to teach, to mentor, to love. Know you are not alone and there is an army of others who share your same concerns, challenges, and triumphs!

As a lifelong educator I have been challenged and blessed with experiences in almost every possible mode/method/type of teaching. I created this space because I felt alone at times, with only my faith to support me. I feel we all collectively need a place to support one another, using God’s Word as our foundation.

Remember this: Each day we can choose to use God’s gift of teaching to show love, mercy and grace to every student we teach, mentor, and coach. Teaching is one of the most challenging callings and in today’s times it can be completely overwhelming. Let us join together, lock arms and pray for one another to be strong and resilient. Please know…to have faith in God’s purpose for us requires us to study His Word. Our schools and communities want to have faith in their teachers. Read that again.. Our schools and communities want to have faith in their teachers. So, that means WE NEED TO HAVE faith in teaching. This may not be proclaiming God’s Word, but it does mean doing God’s Work. We are a model and a beacon of light to those who may not even know God. What do students see in your classroom?

Today, I encourage you to make a conscious decision to call on God and His Word when you are overwhelmed with teaching and all its many responsibilities. Call on God to be thankful for the gifts He has given you and each one of your students. God qualifies those He calls; you are one of those He called. Have faith in teaching!