Having my patience tested is not anything I ever look forward to happening! I like to do things on my preferred time line, which means now! Let me tell you, my current situation is teaching me a lot about myself and faith!
I am learning to focus on letting go and letting God be the one in control. These past few months have been a test of faith and it certainly has produced patience. I still don’t have solid answers of what I’m to do, but I believe my faith has certainly strengthened even while I’m in this unknown state. Why? God has slowed me down, allowing me to take note of things I was never able to see in my hurried state of living. I was rushing past the beauty of His world and the blessings of my family.
I still would really like to know where I am headed and what is coming next, but my faith is helping to allow me the patience to wait and enjoy the ‘now’ moments. If I miss them, I won’t get them back! Each day is a gift; enjoy it!