Each day, millions of people wake up concerned about losing what they have gained rather than thinking about gaining what they have lost. Today’s world is money-driven and status-stacked.
We are encouraged to be the best employee at work (sometimes even at the expense of others), so we can receive special recognition and monetary rewards for our efforts. Some people are told to marry for money, not love. And others believe worth is measured in material things.
People feel the need to show their status to others…often! Social media has made this even more prevalent, as our posts are now labeled as ‘status updates’.
We may have figured out ways to gain more ‘stuff’, but we need to weigh those things against what is lost. Are we are losing our compassion for others, our patience with those in need, our recognition of the small details that make our world and lives so uniquely diverse? Are we missing the most profound moments in our lives just to gain more money and status?
“He covets greedily all day long, But the righteous gives and does not spare.”
~ Proverbs 21:26