Good words lead to gladness. Happiness is part of what makes us healthy! Anxiety does the opposite. If you worry, pray! If you are anxious, ask others to help you! If you are lonely, know that God is always with you. Talk to Him!
Reach out and talk with others, AND be positive. Do not dwell on all that is wrong with the world or life’s circumstances. Say at least ONE nice, uplifting statement to someone today. Call them, text them…do whatever you can to bring them some happiness and hope.
You might say things like:
- You matter to me!
- You are incredibly strong.
- You make this world a better place.
- I am so glad you are here for me to talk to.
- You make me “smile, laugh, happy, etc.” (Pick what fits)
- You are such a blessing to those who know you.
- You make a difference in this world.
- Never forget how important you are to others.
- We need more people like you in this world.
- I am so glad we are “friends, neighbors, colleagues, family!” (Pick what fits)
- You did a great job _______________ (fill in the blank)
Be genuine and kind to others. We all need gladness in our hearts to be healthy!
You are a blessing to each person you talk to today! Thank you!