It seems like we can look any direction we want today and the world is against those who follow Jesus Christ! Yet, we must not be discouraged. Rather we need to have courage and encourage others to do the same. This battle has been ongoing since the Old Testament.
- We may be pressed from all directions, but we have not been crushed! It seems like we can’t make a Godly decisions without pressure from others. Stand strong against social conformity!
- We may be so perplexed by this world we live in today…the disturbing thoughts and irrational emotions of others, yet they believe their ways to be true and rational. It seems so odd what they believe is the ‘way of the world today’; even so, we must not despair. We need to be spiritually authentic! We can find clarity in Christ.
- We are being persecuted for basing our lives and decisions on the Holy Bible, yet we know we are not forsaken because of our God is with us, he will never leave us. We must find hope it His promises!
- Even through all of this, we will be attacked and struck down, but have COURAGE, for we will not be destroyed. We have eternal life awaiting us with our God!!
God bless you on your journey today and always!