Have heart! Make a decision to work hard at whatever happens today, persevere through the difficulties, pray during uncertain times, praise God for accomplishments. Working at your job, taking care of your family, completing school work or chores, helping someone in need, and managing life and caring for yourself; you have a lot going on each day. As this verse from Colossians 3:23 says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily”. When the going gets tough, keep on going. When your work is not recognized or does not seem good enough, remember this.; the most impactful part of this verse is “Do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”
What you do should not be done to impress the rest of the world. Sure, it feels awesome to be recognized by others for your talents and accomplishments. Appreciation and accolades can go a long way in your pursuit of what most people define as success. But, most importantly, the real take away from today’s verse is that whatever you do, do it with a heart for God.
If we seek approval from others today, we are truly missing the mark. We need to do everything with heart, focusing on what is right and good with God. We may fall short, but unlike the people around us, who have their own set of expectations for a job well done and success, God knows we are not perfect. He just wants us to do everything with heart for Him!
Have a heart for the Lord! God bless you.