God wants us to help one another! He created each of us with special talents for a purpose beyond what we (or others) may see on a superficial level. Sadly, some people never look beyond that superficial level to see that their successful ambitions are not to be for their own glory, but to show the world how God does amazing things in our lives. Unfortunately, there are successful people who continue to use their time in the spotlight to promote themselves rather than helping others. What if they chose to not stand on the podium with selfish pride and conceit, but would use that moment as a platform to springboard the success of those less fortunate or struggling in life? What if they decided to inspire and lift up those around them?
There are so many people just waiting for someone to care, to be a mentor, to open a door of opportunity. Those who have not had a chance to find and use their Godly gifts due to circumstances they cannot control. Each of us has a choice: we can inspire others to reach their potential or we can manipulate the situation to make ourselves feel superior and and others inferior. Don’t allow your blessings to be led by conceit! Encourage and raise up others; choose to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Be humble!
Your greatest glory in life does not happen in the spotlight; it happens in the shadows of those you inspire, encourage, and guide! It is a legacy you choose to leave for others rather than a fleeting moment in time you choose to live!