What is the most important thing you have learned in your life? I want to know! Where was it learned? In school? From a coach? Your parents? A decision you made? An event that happened in your life?
As an educator, I have always been a huge advocate for life-long learning. However, I believe learning must have authentic value and application if it is to make a lasting impact in our lives. Without these two critical elements, it becomes a tidbit of information that is quickly lost from our minds.
The Bible says in Romans 15:4, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning.” This means that God’s Word is meant for us to interact with, learn from, and share with others to change the world. It is authentic and is applicable to our daily lives. As with all true learning, we must gain basic knowledge first, so we can comprehend what it being taught. We are then able to apply what we comprehend, analyzing and reflecting on its value. This is when true understanding happens for us. If you take time to study God’s Word, apply it to your life and reflect on its meaning, then you will see God’s Word come alive.
God’s Word has such authentic value and application in our daily lives. Ask for help as you journey in God’s Word. Find a Bible study group if you need one. There are plenty of learners just like you! Begin your life-long journey today.