Life is difficult right now. Many are struggling emotionally, financially, and physically. Some may be struggling spiritually, as well!
You may not yet know Jesus Christ or you may be questioning how you will ever survive the current circumstances. You are not alone. God is with you! He has not left your side at all during this time. You may have questioned Him or pushed Him away, but He is still with you.
Look forward, look ahead, look to Him for what is yet to come. Yes, there may be struggles! Ultimately, this all will become a distant memory compared to the glory we have yet to experience in the future.
Keep moving forward, keep looking ahead for what is yet to come. Do not get stuck in the circumstances of today. This does not have to be your ‘new normal’. God has not changed His plans! Keep your faith, locking your eyes on Him as you look forward to what will happen in the future!