Christians are being verbally and physically attacked today, even by other Christians. Some people have put Christianity on a sliding scale to match their own choices and company, not listening to God’s Word. Have you ever been told by someone that you aren’t being Christian? Perhaps you have been told you are “TOO” Christian.
There is an even greater division between people being created today because everyone believes others should accept the ideals they have, no matter what. They tell others that you must embrace them and their choices if you are indeed Christian. Some even say you don’t love them unconditionally because you choose to follow the teachings of God, even though they condemn His teaching.
Think about this:
- If someone is not walking with God, you do NOT have to walk with them.
As 1 Corinthians 15:33 begins, it says, “Do not be deceived.” There will be people who accuse you of not being Christian, even those who themselves appear to be. They want you to feel that their choices are absolutely right and good, even when they do not follow doing what is good as shared by God’s Word.
- We must guard against evil company or guilt by association.
As the verse continues, “…evil company corrupts good habits.” If enough good people associate with evil company, corruption and erosion of God’s Commandments happen and His teachings become less important, even non-existent. Everyone starts to be just fine with the group’s decisions and their own choices. The larger the group, the greater the sense of goodness in evil. Our habits become corrupted.
Guard yourself:
- Do not let others sway your following of God. Your decision to not walk with others who are making poor decisions does not mean we do not love our neighbors. What is does mean is that we do not allow corruption to enter our own lives because we guard ourselves (and family) from evil company. Scripture tell us to not be deceived. Deception is how others attempt to coerce or change our own thoughts!
- No matter what we choose to say or do or NOT do, some people will always use their own set of values to condemn us. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, however that does not mean we must accept and approve of their decisions to do bad things. The idea of corrupting our own lives (and the lives of our family) is not God’s intention when He said to love our neighbors.
And most importantly:
- Jesus did not sin with the sinners; he did not commit crimes or go against God. He spoke with the sinners with the purpose of teaching them about wrong and right, evil and good. He told parables and rebuked those who chastised Him. Some sinners chose to listen, they stayed and became followers of Jesus. They turned away from their evil ways, departed from their corrupt friends, and followed goodness. Others chose to condemn Jesus and His teachings because they did not match their own desires. They attempted to turn others against Jesus.
Jesus never chose the way of evil company or condoned their behavior as people chose evil deeds. He told them when they were not following goodness and God’s teachings.
Final thoughts:
Never feel compelled to have a “feel-good” conversation or relationship so others believe they are fine continuing to choose bad decisions and evil company. No apology is ever needed when using God’s teachings and following His Word.