I want to be a good parent! I have wonderful children and they are growing up fast. I know what I expect of them in regards to responsibility, and I believe I clearly communicate my expectations to them. However, I would like to convey my expectations with more compassion. I often wonder “what would Jesus do?”

My studies tell me that Jesus was witty, unwavering, and caring. I strive to be all three, but the third one is difficult as I think about my actions! I feel like I need to build a fortress to protect myself from caving in with what my kids want rather than need. I should be building a bridge to support both sides of their journey. They need to always remember where they started their life journey and they need to make good decisions about where they are going. A bridge does both! This is where I need to step beyond my fear and follow my purpose as a parent.


If you have any suggestions, experiences, or advice, please share! I am actively looking for Bible scripture, as well. I believe being a good parent is my most important purpose on Earth! I want to be a counselor to my children as they grow into strong Christian leaders!