Patience and Perspective

‬Are you patient? I know I struggle with this a lot. Do you wait to hear God’s voice before making decisions? Do you find you become impatient with your own time line or that of others? Don’t get me wrong; we must all be responsible and meet deadlines.

As I said before, I’m a planner. And if I say I will do something that means I need to commit to doing it. But, what if we find that we need to step back and look at where we are going and where we just came from. Is your journey congruent with your purpose? This is where I need to learn to be patient and not so strong-willed! We might still set goals, but we need to pray upon those goals, giving God time to teach us some patience…and to gain perspective on our ultimate decisions.

We live in such a fast-paced world today, where patience seems to makes us lose any edge. We fall behind the crowd. But, oftentimes the crowd is headed in the wrong direction. They are just blindly following a person/cause with emotion and without thought. They don’t stop to think, pray, or gain perspective.

Patience and perspective are two things I need to focus on more often. If we all do, I truly believe we will do a better job of finding our true purpose in life. Patience and perspective will lead to us being more content in the career we choose, the relationships we have with others, and our own self-worth.

Decisions to lead or follow are ever so important. Patience to discern what is right rather than what is easy is key. I am going to pray each day for patience and perspective! Feel free to join me.