Sharing is something we are often taught as young children. “It is better to give than to receive. Share what you have!” Yet, we seem to desire to share less as we acquire more things in life. Growing up, I had all that I truly needed, but I was told I had to cherish my possessions and protect them from any possible harm, as if they were irreplaceable. As I grew older, I found I had no real desire to share my hard earned possessions with anyone. This was mostly out of fear of damage and not being able to replace them due to cost, but also out of selfishness because I had worked so hard to earn them. That is a sad, but honest statement! Wow!
Literally today, I learned something I never realized in my life. As I was reading a passage from the Bible, called the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-29), it dawned on me. This parable is telling us we have been entrusted with God’s possessions and we are expected to make wise use of them. My possessions are all gifts from God to be shared with others. They are not solely mine and they weren’t given just for me to enjoy. (This includes our time and talents, not just stuff.) I was entrusted with each thing to glorify God and provide support for His kingdom!
Wow; that is powerful! What a change of perspective this reading has given me. Will it possibly be a struggle to follow God’s purpose? Absolutely! Will God help guide me if I pay attention and follow His path? 100%!
What has God entrusted you with to share with others? It may be a talent, your time,or your possessions. Listen to what God is telling you and follow Him! He will guide you as He sees best! Trust in Him!