We wake up each day with a plan, a desire for what we want to happen and/or what we feel needs to happen. Remember, the Lord directs your steps. If you don’t follow the directions laid in front of you, you may wander away from the path God has planned. You may be following your own plan, but the journey is going to be much more difficult than the one God has directed for you to walk.
Do you know someone who seems content with what is happening in their life? Could the difference be that they are listening and following the directions God has laid out for them to pursue? Could they have already learned it is better to trust God and follow the steps He directs because they tried to go their own way first?
Life is full of experiences that help us in our walk with God. Step by step, we will come to realize His true plans for our life. It may not be what we want in the moment, but looking back over a lifetime, it was exactly what we need! Life is a journey of many steps; make a choice to walk it with God!