Temptations are everywhere we look. We are tempted to acquire more money, power, prestige, accolades, and titles. When I think of temptation, it is like a cupcake. We will eat only one cupcake, right? But, inevitably we have a craving…a sweet tooth for more, even if it results in an upset stomach and a feeling of regret!
Just as the verse reads, God NEVER tempts us, only earthly sin tempts us. There are no feelings of regret from following God. The more you study the Bible, the fuller you will feel. You may crave the Word, but there is no upset stomach to soothe or regret from taking in too much of it!
God has given you free will and His love! He is waiting patiently for you, while the world is tempting you with things of earthly craving. What will you choose today?