I remember my mother always telling me that high school was not the high point in my life. Of course, having not experienced life beyond that time as a teenager made me disbelieve her. I felt as though I suffered through her strict rules and I gained little to no empathy for my whining. My friends (and their parents) felt sorry for me, wishing I could experience the best part of life with them. For me, it seemed like the end of the world. Time passed on, and as many later say “I told you so” was yet to be said again. The best was yet to come.
Good things happened. I found a fantastic job, a wonderful husband, and was blessed with beautiful, healthy babies. But, along with those happy times came suffering.
As an adult, suffering takes on a different meaning. Losing loved ones, watching people agonize in their own pain, being pushed away by someone you truly care about as they make unhealthy choices. Isn’t it interesting how perspectives change as we experience life? I believe the same holds true for our experience with God’s Word.
For those of us who already have a relationship with God, we may have difficulty understanding how others can live without God in their life. Yet, we must not forget our own disbeliefs and struggles before we experienced His grace. What were our lives like before we built a relationship with Him?
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” ~Romans 8:18
No matter where you are in your journey of life and your journey with God, it is essential that you know the BEST IS YET TO COME! God bless you!