
Needed Rest

We all must take some needed rest at different times for different reasons. Check out what Jesus teaches in Mark 6, and find out who he is talking to when he says in verse 31: “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mark‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ I hope to be writing […]

Justified and Glorified

Justified! You are declared and made righteous in the sight of God because of your faith. This means no matter what happens in your life, you do not need to worry about your relationship with God. You have peace with God because of Jesus Christ. Glorified! Even beyond being justified, God also glorifies you. “Moreover […]

Let’s Be Clear

Have you been wondering where your life is headed? Does the future seem clouded over and the words muffled as you journey? In today’s world, we want things to have clarity, to be crystal clear. We want clarity with greater resolution on our screens, higher sound quality from our audio systems, and anywhere/anytime access to […]

Gains and Losses

Each day, millions of people wake up concerned about losing what they have gained rather than thinking about gaining what they have lost. Today’s world is money-driven and status-stacked. We are encouraged to be the best employee at work (sometimes even at the expense of others), so we can receive special recognition and monetary rewards […]


My life has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and people, many who have had my best interest in mind. I have no doubt that my life story would be completely different if God was not part of it. My life story is one of God’s work and Him choosing me to fulfill a specific purpose. […]