
The Big Picture

Overwhelmed. Intimidated. Scared. Doubtful. Unsure of what to do! We all face moments in our lives where we experience these feelings, no matter who we are or where we have been! It seems to be part of the human experience. But, we can choose to NOT have it limit our potential or consume our time […]

The Best is Yet to Come

Do not let a world of chaos and distress, disappointments and denials keep you from looking forward to what is yet to come. All things are possible with God. You may be struggling with what is happening today. Your concerns are real and times may be tough financially, emotionally and physically. Know this; while many […]

Always Present

No matter what happens, God is always present. Not just sometimes, but always! He anoints us, giving us strength in face of adversity. We may not realize it, but our cup of life runs over because of Him. Even when we feel we have no value, we do to him. He gives us hope! God […]

Never Alone

We are never alone! No matter what evil there is in this world, God will not abandon us. He wants us to go to Him in prayer and for support. Allow His rod and staff to guide and comfort you. Remember, the rod and staff are to guide us to safety. They are not to […]

I Shall Not Want

What a powerful beginning to Psalm 23. The Lord is indeed our shepherd; one who will always guide us. What about the next part of this psalm? What does ‘I shall not want’ mean? I believe we often overthink the meaning of words, as well as the person who spoke the words with intent. I […]

No Apology Needed

Christians are being verbally and physically attacked today, even by other Christians. Some people have put Christianity on a sliding scale to match their own choices and company, not listening to God’s Word. Have you ever been told by someone that you aren’t being Christian? Perhaps you have been told you are “TOO” Christian. There […]

Do Not Forget God

As complicated as life may seem, filled with chaos and conflict, our relationship with God can be calm and in control. We need to remember this verse and live according to God’s Word. As Proverbs 4 says, we need to let our hearts hold onto God’s Word…trust what He says, the truth is in the […]