Walk With Me!
Watch today’s video to begin our journey! https://romans12living.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/img_0585.mov
Whatever It Takes…I Walk in Faith!
Watch today’s video to begin our journey! https://romans12living.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/img_0585.mov
Temptations are everywhere we look. We are tempted to acquire more money, power, prestige, accolades, and titles. When I think of temptation, it is like a cupcake. We will eat only one cupcake, right? But, inevitably we have a craving…a sweet tooth for more, even if it results in an upset stomach and a feeling […]
Life is difficult right now. Many are struggling emotionally, financially, and physically. Some may be struggling spiritually, as well! You may not yet know Jesus Christ or you may be questioning how you will ever survive the current circumstances. You are not alone. God is with you! He has not left your side at all […]
“A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, […]
Finding peace and comfort when filled with concerned. Today may have been a difficult day. As bill payments are coming due and there is less or no income coming in to cover them, we are uncomfortable and concerned. Turn to God for understanding and strength.
No matter where you journey, Christ is already there. This photo was taken outside of Cody, Wyoming when we visited there a few years ago. There was nothing else nearby. Just these three crosses. It was a powerful moment for our entire family. Do you realize Jesus died for us; He died for you? The […]
With all the restrictions placed on our lives, it can certainly feel as if we have lost all control. It is scary and upsetting at the same time for many people. As you work through all your emotions and concerns, I ask you to stop and think just for a few minutes. Do you honestly […]
Even with nowhere to go these days, lots of people are running in circles. Social media is filled with posts, tweets, and videos focused on what we cannot do and where we cannot go. Just stop! Notice how you stand, how the ground feels beneath your feet. Always stay grounded. Breathe in and out. Again! […]
Though we must distance ourselves from each other right now, we can certainly use this time to draw closer to God and walk humbly with Him. Do not think of this time as lost time, but rather as time gained with God…and your walk in faith with Him. Enjoy the view, study His Word, and […]
Today may be filled with chaos and a lack of direction for many of us. Please take a deep breath and realize God always has a plan. Do not allow Satan to fill you with doubt and anxiety; God is your strength and your hope. Trust in putting faith in Him…all will be fine!
The world may be filled with uncertainty and chaos, fear and frenzy. Do not let it take hold of you; God is our fortress and heaven is our goal. A life with Jesus Christ is one where our hope lies. There is no need for fear or frenzy, chaos or uncertainty. Love your family, cherish […]