Each day we encounter people serving us, including many we will never meet! We may only think of the person right in front of us or a name stamped on a business card. We may think of people who step forward in a time of crisis, which is unbelievably important. Yet our own daily decisions to serve others is absolutely needed and no less important. If everyone looked for ways to serve rather than to be served, the world would be incredibly different.
Think about it; in order for us to buy food at a restaurant or a store, there are people involved in getting that product to the point where we buy it. I mean lots of people needs to choose to serve others. From the farmer who planted the lettuce, to the farmer who birthed the calf…from the worker who cared for the produce and livestock to make sure it was given the best conditions to grow…to the worker who harvested the crop for your choice produce and the truck driver who drove hundreds of miles delivering the goods, they all are serving a purpose beyond what we see in the end. From the food supplier who purchased your products and the kitchen worker (or shelf stocker) who made it available for you, they all are hands-on serving others.
Wow, there are lots of hands serving us! We may pay the cashier or the wait staff, but service begins in a place we often don’t recognize at all. It’s a first step effort by people who don’t expect any gratification from the final consumer, yet they do their job…and they do it well!
This is just one example of how we are called to serve…and choose to do it well. I am sure you do something each day that goes unrecognized; just realize, without your service, the world would not be the same. Sure, maybe someone else could step in to complete your job, but each of us serves in some capacity that no one else could do exactly the same way. Your call to serve is uniquely identified just for you. No matter if your service is recognized or hidden, to serve others is giving a ransom to many! You have value and worth because you make a decision to serve. Go forth and do great things!